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ISSUES in Osp and Mišja peč

Zgodovina in težave opremljanja plezališč
November 4, 2018
Zaveznik plezalisc Projekt OSP
Akcija Zaveznik plezališč
November 19, 2018

A word from Projekt OSP, a National fund for preserving crags and bolts.

Mišja peč and Osp are amongst the top 20 global climbing spots, visited by a great number of climbers from all over the world. The area has had a known access issue for many years, since the village of Osp is located directly at the base of the cliff. A few years ago an incident involving foreign climbers almost sparked the closure of the crag and a big effort was put in to prevent the escalating situation. Since then a lot of steps have been taken towards getting together with the local community. And we are successful, since climbers got a brand new parking lot just beneath Misja pec, with the help of the project LIKE and the Municipality of Koper.

Since the day it was opened we are witnessing illegal camping and disrespectful behaviour from some members of our climbing tribe. As we love and cherish this place and would like to preserve it for the future generations, we kindly ask all climbers to respect the rules and act responsibly

• NO CAMPING! Not even in a van. There is a camping ground in the village.

• NO FIRES! Nowhere!



• TAKE AWAY YOUR TRASH. Banana peels as well! 🍌

Projekt OSP is taking care of the Slovenian crags and routes. You can donate for our cause!